The story of MoreSense

Leveraging the established experience of a multidisciplinary team, MoreSense is dedicated to the research and development of advanced, technological solutions in the field of pollutant treatment and sensing.

Who are we?

MoreSense is an innovative start-up established in February 2020 as a spin-off of:

Copernicus, an established consortium of professionals engaged in consulting and operational services in the field of contaminated site remediation.

Universitu00e0 degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli - Department of Engineering, with decades of experience in the field of optical sensors.

Building on the experience of a multidisciplinary team, MoreSense is dedicated to the research and development of advanced technological solutions in the field of pollutant treatment and sensor technology.

The company innovatively integrates two established technological competencies(MIP - Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and SPR - Surface Plasmon Resonance) to provide unique, highly specific and highly sensitive solutions

Why choose sensors from MoreSense


Comprehensive solutions for emerging compounds through a highly selective approach to meet the increasingly pressing needs of the global agenda


A portfolio of integrated innovative chemical and digital technologies through the enhancement of the MIP-SPR sensor platform aimed at real-time online sensing systems


Position Moresense technology in advanced sensor technologies by building strong partnerships with key players in the industry.

A team of experts at your service

Giovanni Porto


Geologist, senior administrator, and founder of Copernico Srl. A graduate in Geological Sciences from the University of Milan, he has more than 20 publications.

Guido Chiaretti


Former director of new technologies at STMicroelectronics. Degree in Physics from the University of Milan, 50+ publications and holds more than 20 patents.

Girolamo D’Agostino


Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences from the University of Pavia. Graduate in Chemistry from the University of Pavia, over 50 publications and holder of several patents.

Nunzio Cennamo


Regular professor at the University of Campania L. Vanvitelli, department of engineering.

Carmelo Papa


A former managing director of STMicroelectronics Italy, he holds a degree in physics from the University of Catania.

Chiara Perri


Ph.D. in Industrial and Information Engineering from the University of Campania L. Vanvitelli. 

Francesco Arcadio


Ph.D. in Industrial and Information Engineering from the University of Campania L. Vanvitelli. 

Alessandro Chiodi


Graduated in Engineering Physics from the Polytechnic University of Milan.

Rosalba Pitruzzella


Doctoral student of Industrial and Information Engineering at the University of Campania L. Vanvitelli. 

Riccardo Rovida


Doctoral student of Industrial and Information Engineering at the University of Campania L. Vanvitelli.

Patrizia Favaron


Graduated in mathematics from the State University of Milan. 

Melissa Turone


Undergraduate student majoring in economics at the Bicocca University of Milan.

People say about us

Our customers include large companies, start-ups, research facilities, universities, and public organizations. We pride ourselves on providing each client with innovative, high-quality products and exceptional support.
We are using the instrument that MoreSense has developed to test various functionalization protocols targeted for biosensor purposes. MoreSense's instrument proves to be very versatile, is also very simple in use, and is suitable for studying biomolecular interactions then target analyte interactions in various applications.

Laura Pasquardini

-Co-founder and CEO, Indivenire Ltd.

I really believe that there is a lot to be gained from photonics. I realized the importance of having this polymer that really is the focal part of a system of measurements skills own mechanical, mixed mechanical-electronic design, etc. belong in this case also biology belong to very few companies even among semiconductors.

Bruno Murari

-Inventor - Awarded the Elmer A. Sperry 2017

Here today we are developing two eh sensors: one that is electronic and the other is optical. They're fast, they're very accurate, they're extremely selective, they're cheap, and they're remotely manageable, for example.
The methods that are used around the world today don't see under 4,000 viruses per milliliter, we see eight viruses per milliliter. So the sensitivity is extremely high, they are very very promising.

Guido Chiaretti

-Former director of new technologies STMicroelectronics

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    Where to find us


    Viale Ortles 22/4
    c/o UNIMI Foundation
    20139, Milan (MI) - Italy

    Aversa (Naples)

    Via Roma 29
    81031 Aversa (CE)
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    Moresense s.r.l. - P.Iva 11188070962 | Nr.REA MI - 123456 | Registro delle impresse MILANO MONZA BRIANZA LODI | Cap. Sociale: 10.000 | PEC  | Privacy e Cookie policy
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